BVG Associates January Newsletter
BVG Associates January Newsletter has stories about our new white paper on measuring the economic impact of offshore wind farms, our work in Norway on Oil and Gas diversification, [...]
BVG Associates January Newsletter has stories about our new white paper on measuring the economic impact of offshore wind farms, our work in Norway on Oil and Gas diversification, [...]
Offshore wind journal's article 'More cost reduction to come, but pinch points developing' features an extended interview with Bruce Valpy, our Managing Director. Referring to Bruce as 'One of [...]
Following his appearance at the Scottish Renewables Offshore Wind Conference, BVGA's Alan Duncan , was quoted in ReCharge's event review as saying “I think we are going to see [...]
In 'The next stage of market growth starts here', David Foxwell of the Offshore Wind Journal quotes from Bruce Valpy's blog 'Looking back, looking forward', David looks forward to [...]
Our work mentioned in Offshore Wind Journals 'Danes look beyond historically low bids to post-2020 environment article. The article states "As BVG Associates also pointed out at the time [...]
Our cost modelling work with KPS mentioned in this article Windenergie: Tanzende Flugdrachen erzeugen Strom (in German)
The launch of our new "A new economic impact method for offshore wind" white paper, written by Alun Roberts with Steve Westbrook (from UHI) features in this story from [...]
Great to see that our work with Pale Blue Dot Energy and Abbot Risk Consultants for Scottish Enterprise on Oil and Gas Diversification Opportunities is launched today. The diversification guide and fact [...]
The launch of our new "A new economic impact method for offshore wind" white paper, written by Alun Roberts with Steve Westbrook (from UHI) features in this story from [...]
In the article "BVG Associates and Highlands University launch new economic impact model for UK offshore wind-ustry" Scottish Energy News feature the launch of our white paper 'A new [...]