Working with civil servants and a range of other enablers, we brought deep technical and market domain knowledge to increase the efficiency and impact of grant funding. In some cases, this completely changed the direction of projects to better meet industry needs.

Over many years, we have helped DECC (now BEIS) in:

  • Designing funding competitions
  • Assessing applications for grant funding with regard to market potential, cost of energy benefit, deliverability and a range of other criteria
  • Setting milestones for delivery of funded projects
  • Ensuring technical deliverables are met
  • Assessing of the impact of competitions

Specifically, we have had involvement in Offshore Wind Technology Demonstration grants Offshore Wind Component Technologies grants and Energy Entrepreneurs Fund grants in the wind sector, with a total funding value of more than £100million.

We have also provided significant incubation support (both in terms of product development processes and commercialisation) to a wide range of innovators. This has included assessing the market potential for products, identifying key potential customers and partners, ‘voice of the customer’ surveys, levelised cost of energy (LCOE) calculation support, CAPEX, OPEX and LCOE validation, developing market entry strategies, developing business mode canvasses, developing business and marketing plans, assessing and securing test sites, identifying funding sources, developing marketing material, providing introductions to key market players, and developing and testing customer pitches.

In addition, we have been available to provide flexible support to DECC staff as required, often on a rapid turnaround.

“BVG Associates cares about the industry and about helping us maximise the benefit of our funding. We get continuity of senior staff and greatly value their contributions over the years.”

Ian Ellerington, Head of Innovation Delivery, Department of Energy and Climate Change (now BEIS)