We worked with Terra Drone to help address the offshore wind industry.  Our insight and recommendations have helped Terra Drone successfully engage further within the wind industry. They have now been able showcase innovations and explore potential work in the UK and abroad.

Terra Drone provide innovative and reliable drone services using state of the art hardware, sophisticated LiDAR and photogrammetric inspection methods. Terra Drone’s data power processing techniques using machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to derive asset insights and data driven solutions.

One of the most promising and fastest growing drone companies in the world, Terra Drone already serve sectors such as construction, utilities, mining, and oil and gas across 30 countries on 6 continents. The Terra Drone team in Kent wanted to build on their offshore wind experience and expertise and expand opportunities within the offshore wind sector. Under Kent County Council’s offshore wind programme (funded by Inn2POWER), Terra Drone were able to get advice from BVGA.

Initially, a questionnaire followed by in-depth conversations gave BVGA insight into Terra Drone’s business, technology and aspirations. We then carried out desk research, industry engagement and dialogue with our network of experts.

The insights gathered were collated into a bespoke report for Terra Drone. The report identified the potential offshore wind key tasks for drone services. The report included likely offshore wind deployments to 2030. It also identified industry procurement strategies, key contacts and links to procurement portals.

The findings and recommendations covered market entry strategies, marketing advice and next steps. Terra Drone provided feedback on the draft report to ensure relevance and usefulness.

“We were very impressed with the amount of detail and insights provided by BVGA. Their work has given a greater insight into the issues faced by the wind industry and has helped steer our strategy. We are already generating a great deal of interest from offshore wind developers. They are very interested in using our services to reduce their costs and improve performance.”

Patrick Rickerby Technical Director at Terra Drone Europe