Our independent tracking of LCOE developments for KPS allowed them to think strategically and answer their toughest questions about driving down LCOE and managing risk.

KPS is developing a twin-kite system that is reliable and efficient, capable of delivering clean, cheap energy at utility scale. Their aim is to provide energy at a lower cost than that of wind turbines, while using 85 per cent less material. We have a developed a partnership with KPS over many years  and have helped them develop a technology that is safe, backed by continuous testing and development. This work with KPS was largely funded through Innovate UK.

Building on our previous work with KPS, we tracked both the level of LCOE and the uncertainty in LCOE for the KPS technology. This tracking was for both onshore and offshore applications and was based on detailed breakdowns of CAPEX, OPEX and AEP elements. As well as our own expertise and knowledge, we used our extensive industry network of wind and product developers. This enabled our work to draw on real-world experience of LCOE trajectories.

As part of the tracking, the combined impact of many independent uncertainties was measured. We also undertook spatial analysis on future onshore markets to identify most attractive targets for the KPS solution.

We continue to provide LCOE, strategy and market support KPS.

“Our partnership with BVGA has helped KPS provide a compelling business case to potential investors and clients over many years.
This more recent piece of work provided a robust and clear path for our cost reduction strategies, helping us move our solution to commercialisation.
BVGA have been a trusted and valued partner throughout our journey and I look forward to working with them as KPS moves to its next exciting stage”.

David Ainsworth, Business Development, KPS