Our wave and tidal supply chain development plan work uncovered clear changes in approach that we believed were right for the sectors to take. Through senior dialogue, a number of these were adapted for public presentation, but we have seen evidence that the sector is picking up on some of our thinking.

BVGA was contracted by RenewableUK and Scottish Renewables to deliver a study on how to accelerate supply chain development in the wave and tidal energy sectors.

We researched initiatives that had helped with sector development and supply chain development from other industries and identified the most relevant for the wave and tidal sectors.

We identified 27 of the most important stakeholders and companies in the wave and tidal supply chain in the UK, and conducted interviews to gather their views on the status of the supply chain to deliver now and in the future, and also the priority initiatives that they believed were needed to deliver successful growth and establishment of a strong supply chain in the UK.

Based on this research, we developed recommendations which we reviewed with members of the Marine Energy Programme Board (MEPB).

We published a final report and made a presentation of the work and the implications for the sector at the RenewableUK Wave and Tidal conference. The results of the work were also combined into a more wide-ranging report published by the MEPB.

The wave and tidal supply chain development plan report can be found on our publications page.