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Bruce Valpy will be speaking an New Energy Update‘s Offshore Wind Europe 2018 in London in November.

Bruce will be joining many fellow executives who are leading the charge in the European Offshore Wind industry in the Offshore Wind Europe 2018 speaker line-up.  Delegates will learn from these high-level executives at Offshore Wind Europe to help formulate  development strategies, while remaining profitability in existing projects.

Kate Freeman will be delivering a keynote on innovation, floating and cost reduction.

Andy Geissbuehler will also be chairing a marine logistics session at the event

This is a strategy conference where attendees will be learning new offshore wind strategies, having meetings to secure investment and partnerships and putting together plans for delivering profits in the next era of the offshore wind business.

New Energy Update have been investing in European offshore wind since 2008, providing a meeting point for the industry to develop offshore wind energy in the region.

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