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At the US Offshore Wind Conference , our US partner, Andy Geissbuehler, will be moderating the panel discussion: ‘How to determine the optimum marine logistics solution?’

The session will be helping delegates:

  • Learn how to choose the optimum marine logistics strategy by analyzing i) project size, ii) sustainability of the pipeline and iii) the component supply chain strategy of the project.
  • Understand  Jones Act compliant vessels and requirements to deliver the project pipeline.
  • Know the basic requirements making it financially and legally workable and tied into the supply chain strategy

Confirmed panelists include Richard den Hollander, Director of Business Development, Seaway Heavy Lifting, Peter Robert, Director Business Development, Damen Shipyards Group, and
Steven Gray, CEO, ROVOP.

The session takes place between 4:25 and 5:10 on the first day of the US Offshore Wind Conference.


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