Recharge’s ‘Growing offshore wind in emerging markets won’t come cheap – $8bn is needed for vessels and factories‘ makes reference to “The International Finance Corporation (IFC) – the private sector arm of the World Bank Group – recently commissioned study by Arup and BVG Associates to identify needs for ports, vessels and manufacturing to support offshore wind development in emerging markets. Distance is a key variable in this equation. Some manufacturing investments need to be close to the projects that create the demand. That is because the costs and risks of delivering products and services over long distances from the project vary across the supply chain.”Recharge’s ‘Growing offshore wind in emerging markets won’t come cheap – $8bn is needed for vessels and factories’ makes reference to “The International Finance Corporation (IFC) – the private sector arm of the World Bank Group – recently commissioned study by Arup and BVG Associates to identify needs for ports, vessels and manufacturing to support offshore wind development in emerging markets. Distance is a key variable in this equation. Some manufacturing investments need to be close to the projects that create the demand. That is because the costs and risks of delivering products and services over long distances from the project vary across the supply chain.”
Our work on the IFC report was led by Andy Strowbridge.