You can download some our archived presentations below: 

Offshore Wind Spotlight on North Carolina

Andy Geissbuehler, BNOW/SE Wind Collation, November 2019

AWEC 2019

Global prospects for airborne wind onshore

Ciaran Frost, AWEC, October 2019

A case for smart community ownership

Alun Roberts, Welsh Assembly Briefing, September 2019

US East Coast offshore wind market

Andy Geissbuehler, BOEM North Carolina Virginia Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force Webinar, July 2019

Energy Transition and the Global Energy Value Chain

Andy Geissbuehler, Atlantic Council, July 2019


Rationing offshore wind in a post subsidy world

Mike Blanch, Global Offshore Wind, June 2018

US Offshore Wind Energy Opportunity

Andy Geissbuehler, Capitol Hill REE Caucus, February 2018

Power of onshore wind

Graham Gow, DWEA event, September 2018

Realizing the Supply Chain & Jobs Potential of the East Coast

Andy Geissbuehler, AWEA, October 2017

Levelised cost of energy and floating offshore wind

Giles Hundleby, FWP Atlantic Forum, October 2017

Offshore wind innovation landscape

Mike Blanch, All-Energy 2017, May 2017

Offshore Wind: The importance of the supply chain

Alan Duncan, All-Energy 2017, May 2017




The balance between local content and industry growth

Alun Roberts, Floating Offshore Wind Turbines 2017, March 2017

Update on UK Offshore Wind Farm Projects OWNE November 2016



Innovation and cost reduction in offshore wind

Kate Freeman, Offshore Wind Journal Conference, February 2017

Update on UK Offshore Wind Farm Projects OWNE November 2016


Supply Chain Plans in the Offshore Wind Industry in the UK and France

Margaux Delahaie, 5ème rencontres Windustry France, December 2016

Update on UK Offshore Wind Farm Projects OWNE November 2016


Bigger, Larger, Heavier

Alun Roberts, Offshore Renewables – Wind, December 2016

Update on UK Offshore Wind Farm Projects OWNE November 2016


Cost of energy – going below £100/MWh; the opportunities and barriers

Mike Blanch, Offshore Wind 2016 Danish Embassy, December 2016

Update on UK Offshore Wind Farm Projects OWNE November 2016


The supply chain’s role in LCOE reduction

Giles Hundelby, Belgo-British offshore wind supply chain seminar, November 2016

Update on UK Offshore Wind Farm Projects OWNE November 2016


Update on UK offshore wind farm projects

Alun Roberts, Offshore Wind North East, November 2016

Love your supply chain Offshore WIND 2016


Learning to love supply chain plans

Alun Roberts, Offshore WIND 2016, October 2016

Offshore wind innovation for cost reduction

Kate Freeman with KIC InnoEnergy, Wind Europe Summit, September 2016


The supply chain’s role in the journey to ‘subsidy free’

Giles Hundleby, Wind Europe Summit, September 2016

The MARIBE Combinations


Mike Blanch, 3rd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference, September 2016

Jobs, GVA and UK content in offshore wind O&M


Alun Roberts, June 2016

Can Combining with Other Blue Sectors Further Reduce Offshore Wind’s LCOE?

Mike Blanch, GOW, June 2016

renewable energy events

Where did ‘The Saudi Arabia of Renewables’ story go wrong?


Alan Duncan, Scotland’s Renewable Future, May 2016

renewable energy events

Achieving grid parity with wave and tidal energy systems


Mike Blanch, All Energy, May 2016

renewable energy events

Opportunities in the journey to ‘subsidy free’


Bruce Valpy, All Energy, May 2016

renewable energy events

Reducing the cost and LCOE of offshore wind in China

Giles Hundleby, UK-China Joint Industry Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Seminar, Beijing, March 2016

renewable energy events

Achieving grid parity with wave and tidal energy systems

Giles Hundleby, ICOE 2016, February 2016

renewable energy events

Spreading the risk, piling up the opportunities: Offshore wind diversification

Alan Duncan, All Energy, May 2016

renewable energy events

From Discontent to UK Content

Alun Roberts, RUKACE, October 2015

renewable energy events

Does the permitting process in France need a further overhaul?

Mike Blanch and Clare Davies, MRE Manche, October 2015

Stepping Stone Markets for Floating Foundations

Charles Nordstrom, AWEA Offshore WINDPOWER 2015, September 2015

Offshore renewables: Minimising OPEX

Bruce Valpy, Thetis EMR, May 2015

Global Development Opportunities for the UK Wave and Tidal Supply Chains

Giles Hundleby, RenewableUK Wave & Tidal 2015, February 2015

Offshore cost of energy: Forecasts based on the European Story so far…

Bruce Valpy, NREL 3rd WESE Workshop, January 2015

UK Offshore Wind: latest vision of market and technology development

Giles Hundleby, Hamburg OSW, October 2014

UK content and EMR or Between a ROC and a hard place

Alun Roberts, GOW 2014, June 2014

Putting reliability at the heart of the wind turbine development process: lowering lifetime cost

Bruce Valpy, RUK 2013, November 2013

50% UK Content Is that all?

Alun Roberts, RUK Offshore, June 2013

Offshore wind technology cost reduction: one year on from the biggest industry study to date

Bruce Valpy, All Energy UK, May 2013

UK Content in Offshore Wind: Making the Case for Political Support

Alun Roberts, All Energy, May 2013

Site specific cost modelling for reducing the cost of energy

David Hÿtch, Wind Energy Update – Offshore Developer Supply Chain Forum, March 2013

Implementing a reliability centred approach during wind turbine development

Bruce Valpy, International Wind O&M Forum for Power Producers Hamburg, February 2013

Managing Data: Lessons Learned from Real Life – Moving from “Hands On” to “Light Touch”

Martin Elliott, Wind Energy update International Wind O&M Forum for Power Producers, February 2013

Wind farms – the current and future development challenges

David Hÿtch, February 2013

Offshore wind technology cost reduction: one year on from the biggest industry study to date

Bruce Valpy, EWEA Vienna, February 2013

Creating data harmonisation between seven wind farms …

Martin Elliott, Wind Power Monthly Wind farm data management and analysis forum, November 2012

Opportunities in the Sustainable Energy Value Chain: Offshore Wind

Bruce Valpy, Advanced Engineering, November 2012

Offshore wind technology cost reduction: six months on

Bruce Valpy, RenewableUK, October 2012

Towards 50% UK Content

Chris Willow, RenewableUK 2012, October 2012

Offshore Wind Supply Chain: Stock take briefing

Bruce Valpy, Westminster Energy Forum, October 2012

Material Opportunity

Mike Blanch, Energy Materials, October 2012

Load factors of the future

David Hÿtch, Global Offshore Wind 2012, June 2012

Supply chain collaboration in offshore wind

Chris Willow, May 2012

The Crown Estate – Cost Reduction Pathways Project

David Hÿtch, The Crown Estate, April 2012

Reducing the cost of the offshore wind projects in deeper waters: assessing the options and their implementation

Bruce Valpy, Wind Energy Update, February 2012

Port infrastructure Understanding the opportunity

Chris Willow, Hanson Wade, November 2011

Composites for offshore wind

Alun Roberts, November 2011

Measuring the UK’s offshore wind economic returns: From UK content to GVA

Alun Roberts, RUK Windfarm, October 2011

Growing Medium Wind in the UK 50 to 500kW rated turbines

Mike Blanch, David Hÿtch and Jessica Weston, RenewableUK 2011 Conference, October 2011

Opportunities for the Aerospace, Defence and Marine industry in offshore renewables

Zoe Barnes, October 2011

Condition monitoring of onshore wind turbines: independent thinking

Bruce Valpy, WPM Onshore O&M, June 2011

Offshore wind:Opportunities for the composites industry

Zoe Barnes,  May 2011

Developing the wave and tidal supply chain

Sean Matthews, RUK Wave and Tidal, March 2011

Offshore Wind: Supply Chain Opportunities

Sean Matthews, The Crown Estate, February 2011

Developing a market to accommodate future offshore wind projects in the UK & Europe

Bruce Valpy, OSW CICC, October 2010

Offshore Wind Farms: can the wind industry deliver (again)?

Bruce Valpy, Joseph Swan Memorial Lecture, October 2010

Offshore Wind In the UK

Mike Blanch, EWEC, April 2010