In the “Modelling tool shows full economic bounty of offshore wind”  article on Recharge, Andrew Lee comments on the launch of our new white paper, developed in conjunction with the University of Highands and Islands, on measuring the  full economic impacts of offshore wind projects.

Alun Roberts is quoted in the article as saying “It is better to seek to understand the supply chain than to model it using misleading generalised data.”

As the article states “Developers of a new economic modelling tool claim it marks a big step forward in showing the full benefits of offshore wind – and most crucially the jobs it creates – to help swing public and political support behind the sector”

Although the white paper focuses on measuring the UK content of offshore wind projects, the methodology can be easily adapted to cover different geographies and generation technologies.

The full Recharge article can be found on this link:  “Modelling tool shows full economic bounty of offshore wind”  (subscription required)

Alun has also produced a blog on the new methodology as well as a LinkedIn post. If you’d like to know more about how we can help measure the economic impact of projects on a local and national level, please get in touch.