In Recharge’s Myths around floating wind power don’t help anyone – it’s time to debunk them, BVG Associates’s Andy Strowbridge debunks some of the folklore surrounding floating offshore wind. The myths he identifies are:

Myth 1: Floating offshore wind will compete directly with bottom fixed.
Myth 2: The lightest substructure is the best.
Myth 3: Standardisation requires the mass production of identical substructure designs.
Myth 4: Necessity of local benefit at a single-project level

He also mentions that the determination to inform and educate was the motivation for development of the new Guide to a Floating Offshore Wind Farm. BVGA was commissioned to create it by the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult on behalf of its Floating Wind Centre of Excellence, The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland.

Andy explains these myths and how they can be over come in the the full article on the Recharge website: Myths around floating wind power don’t help anyone – it’s time to debunk them