Wind industry building
We play a leading role in wind industry building – no other consultancy has our influence, insight and focus:
- Market roadmaps and visions: To provide a clear path for wind industry building and facilitate stakeholder engagement
- Energy strategy, policy, framework development and delivery: To increase confidence, encouraging investment and drive capacity growth within a sustainable energy plan
- Sector deals: To facilitate strategic agreements between industry and governments that address barriers and enable growth, creating win-wins for all parties
- Marine spatial planning: To accelerate sustainable and economically viable projects using a data-driven approach to that protects the environment and other marine users
- Supply chain and skills development: To create strategies to address skills and workforce demand

Market roadmaps and visions
Our market roadmap and vision work:
- Is globally influential
- Sets the standard in defining plans that governments adopt and implement
- Encompasses strategic, policy, technical, commercial, social and environmental elements
- Balances the needs of governments, stakeholders, industry and investors
- Reflects local factors through in-country collaboration
- Applies lessons from established markets to help accelerate wind market implementation
- Helps clients define the economic opportunity represented by offshore wind (OSW)
- Creates clear paths for industry development

Energy strategy, policy, framework development and delivery
Our energy strategy, policy, framework development and delivery work:
- Supports governments in delivering on roadmaps and visions
- Identifies the right policies and frameworks to implement
- Helps deliver offshore wind (OSW) better, faster and cheaper
- Deepens understanding of socioeconomic impacts and opportunities
- Builds capability within client organisations to leave a lasting legacy
- Is informed by our understanding of developer’s needs and perspectives

Sector deals
Our sector deal work:
- Facilitates strategic agreement between industry and government to accelerate industry growth whilst meeting wider government objectives
- Addresses barriers to onshore and offshore wind (OSW) development and identifies solutions
- Considers key themes including local jobs and skills, cost of energy, transmission, community, permitting, land use and the environment, regulatory and technical constraints and circularity
- Brings together the views of government, industry, and civic stakeholders
- Identifies and communicates key recommendations and commitments
- Provides support across the planning, development, and implementation phases of sector deals

Marine spatial planning
Our marine spatial planning (MSP) work:
- Defines the local sensitivity of biodiversity, social and technical attributes to offshore wind (OSW)
- Identifies how much OSW a market can accommodate
- Advises where the best marine areas for OSW are located
- Supports positive engagement between government, developers, and stakeholders
- Encourages sustainable and economically viable projects using a data driven approach
- Recognises local community and stakeholder sensitivities
- Uses globally recognised best practice, including the World Bank SenMap methodology

Supply chain and skills development
Our skills supply chain and skills development work:
- Forecasts the jobs created from OSW)in any country or region
- Assesses whether the existing workforce can meet forecast demand & what skills development is needed
- Defines and helps implement strategies that address skills demand and workforce development
- Supports government agencies in building internal capability and knowledge, including the development of educational materials and delivery of training
- Has helped hundreds of supply chain companies understand OSW opportunities and invest to enter (or grow further in) the sector
- Draws on our expertise and experience in supporting developer’s supply chain growth strategies