We’re delighted to be working with The Department of Energy Philippines (DOE) and World Bank Group developing an offshore wind roadmap.
Funded through the WBG’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), the project aims to identify areas in the Philippines with high potential for offshore wind development.
It also aims to establish short and long-term offshore wind targets; formulate strategies to successfully integrate offshore wind in the government’s renewable energy (RE) portfolio.
The project will put forth recommendations on policies that are necessary to foster a conducive business environment for offshore wind investors.
The WBG commissioned BVGA to explore the technical, economic, environmental, social, employment, and financing aspects of establishing an offshore wind market.
Our work in the Philippines is being lead by Mona Petersen and has recieved extensive media coverage including:
In OffshoreWIND.Biz‘s Philippines Start Charting Offshore Wind Roadmap mentions how the roadmap will also establish short and long-term offshore wind targets, formulate strategies and put forth recommendations on policies.
Philippines sets out offshore wind roadmap was reNEWS take on the announcement, covering how we will be exploring the technical, economic, environmental, social, employment, and financing aspects of establishing an offshore wind market in the Philippines.
The fact that our work will as well as identifying suitable sites, also aims to establish short- and long-term offshore wind targets; come up with strategies to integrate offshore wind power into the government’s renewable energy portfolio; and propose policy measures that will make it attractive to invest in offshore wind was key to the article World Bank helping PHL develop market for offshore wind power in MSN Money.
Our work also received coverage in the Tribune (Cusi eyes wind for energy support), Manila Times (DoE, WB work on offshore wind roadmap project) , Manila Standard (DOE launches offshore wind roadmap), Power Philippines (DOE, World Bank launch roadmap for offshore wind energy projects in Ph) and Business World (World Bank helping PHL develop market for offshore wind power).
You can read the official press release on the Philippines News Agency website.