‘A Quarter Of EU’s Electricity Demand Could Be Met By Offshore Wind At €54/MWh’ in Clean Technica is a story on our report for WindEurope.

It also mentions that “the report has been welcomed by wind energy advocates across the EU, especially in the (Brexiting) UK. The report specifically highlighted that the UK could install a total of 25 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind energy by 2030, which is enough to power 75% of all UK households. Meanwhile, the report predicts that Germany could install up to 14 GW of new offshore wind capacity by the same time.”

The story concludes with a quote from Giles Dickson, CEO WindEurope:  “The report confirms that the cost reduction seen in offshore wind over the last two years could translate into significant volumes of clean, competitive and reliable power for the UK by 2030. “The UK should factor this into their long-term energy planning. We need to see a deployment of at least 4 GW per year in Europe for offshore wind to maintain its cost reduction trend. This would allow offshore wind to be competitive with conventional power before very long.”

The full ‘A Quarter Of EU’s Electricity Demand Could Be Met By Offshore Wind At €54/MWh‘ is available on the CleanTehnica website.