Onshore Wind
Onshore wind is one of the most established and successful renewable energy sectors, but still with much potential for further cost of energy reduction.
Our wind consultancy helps your onshore wind farm business by using our deep industry knowledge and first-hand experience designing and operating wind turbines over many years. This enables us to quickly identify the opportunities and risks in your project. Working with you, we’ll use this insight to formulate and implement effective action plans. Whether your onshore wind farm is part of a major corporate portfolio or a community based project, pre-construction or in operation, we can help you improve bottom line results.
We provide a wide range of high quality services to current and potential onshore wind farm players. Our onshore wind consultancy includes development advice, asset management advisory, and due diligence services for acquisition and divestment. We can also act as your “in-house” technical advisor.
With many onshore wind farms approaching their “end of life”, decisions have to be made. Do you carry on as you are, hoping your farm life will go beyond 20 years? Do you increase your focus in asset management to increase the longevity of your farm? Do you invest to minimise future OPEX or to maximise future revenue?
Our wind consultancy helps you to identify the right approach for your wind farm based on actual performance, robust component-by-component remaining life estimation methods, your business objectives/approach and our real world experience in both the detail design and operation of wind turbines and wind farms.
We also use our deep industry knowledge to help new players enter the market and existing suppliers shape their next moves.

Fixed foundation offshore wind
We’ve grown into a leading independent offshore wind consultancy with expertise in technology, business and economics – an essential combination in such a dynamic sector. We’ve been involved with offshore wind energy from its very early days as a commercial activity. Many see us as midwives to the industry, helping to birth and support it from its beginnings. Today, we continue to help break new ground in establishing offshore wind as a large-scale player in the new energy mix.
Our knowledge, experience and industry network enables our wind consultancy to give you excellence in guiding your business and technology decisions to meet market need.
Our team has led major technology development projects from within wind turbine manufacturers. We know what is required, both technically and commercially, in taking products from paper to market. Our reputation and experience allow us to bring investors and technology providers together for mutual benefit.
We deliver wind consultancy to major developers on the impacts of new technologies and engineering solutions, undertake due diligence on technology providers and provide support to technology SMEs in bringing innovations to market.
Our cost and industry modelling has helped offshore wind on its journey towards “subsidy free”.
Our work on local content, supply chain and economic benefit of offshore wind has helped business, enablers and governments drive the industry forward.

Floating Wind
Commercial deployment of floating offshore wind (FOW) foundations for wind farms is key to a truly global offshore wind industry. FOW ’s ability to develop projects in deeper waters opens up vast new swathes of seabed for wind energy generation. To unlock that potential, the cost of floating farms must rapidly converge on those for other forms of generation, including fixed foundation wind farms.
We have been at the forefront of developing the FOW sector. We have helped stakeholders assess cost trajectories, market size and deployment strategies.
Our work with WindEurope demonstrated how floating technology can play a key role in helping achieve a carbon-neutral Europe by 2050. Innonergy used our work to identify how technology innovation is reducing the cost of energy from European FOW. This was used as their centrepiece for the Global Wind Summit in Hamburg, the biggest Wind Energy fair in Europe. We also updated the Delphos tool to include FOW innovations. This involved two rounds of industry engagement to validate the values.
Most of the world’s developers have used our insight to make progress on their floating plans. This has included a feasibility study of delivering FOW projects to identify the most challenging aspects. We have also investigated the state-of-the art in deep-water wind turbine foundations. This work analysed fixed and floating foundations and determined the most cost-effective foundation for each water depth. We have also assessed the floating offshore wind opportunity for the Port of Galway
Many floating technology innovators have benefited from our FOW cost modelling expertise. For example, we enabled SAITEC to understand the cost benefit of its floating foundations. We modelled five different foundation technologies (covering both bottom-fixed and floating). We delivered an indicative assessment of CAPEX and levelised cost of energy for wind farms at three site types and with two turbine ratings.

Energy Systems
Electricity generation is becoming increasingly technology and geographically agnostic. Industrial and consumer grids need power that is reliable, cost effective and clean. In the past, the markets for electricity were clearly differentiated, even between different renewable electricity sectors. Now they are converging into a single, multinational market. We determine the impact of new generation, management and distribution technologies on local and large-scale energy system from a technology, business, social and economic perspective.
As part of that paradigm shift, energy storage is becoming increasing important. It is especially relevant as an enabling technology for the renewable electricity sector. By helping to manage supply and demand, storage and new smart energy systems can help drive a range of increased efficiencies in the new energy mix. We evaluate the costs and benefits of the new options now available.
Our work covers the technical, business, social and economic aspects of the evolving electricity system using data analysis, thought leadership and wide knowledge of the energy ecosystem.