We’re delighted to have been named as ScottishPower Renewable‘s SME Supplier of the Year!

The award was for our work and analysis for ScottishPower Renewables (SPR) over several years and most recently our 10 years of Whitelee report. In giving us the award, SPR mentioned our unrivaled market experience and  technical insight. The Whitelee report detailed the positive contribution of Whitlee at both a local and national level. It helped SPR further develop the case for the future of offshore wind. It has been used to promote onshore wind amongst key stakeholders including politicians, government officials, NGOs, the national press and local communities. The analysis produced supports SPR’s green credentials by calculating life-time carbon reduction, and notes the economic impact that Whitelee has had on the Scottish and wider economies. It also provided tangible case studies showing their work on community benefit, peat restoration, innovation and training.

SPR praised our proactive and flexible approach, proposing of valuable additions to the report and cited our close work with their design agency on the final product. All done on time and to budget!

“Winning the SME supplier of the year award is a huge honour. We’re delighted to be recognised by SPR for not just our work with them but also our impact on the wider onshore and offshore wind sector,” Neil Douglas said. ” The long-standing relationship that we have with SPR ranges across their onshore and offshore wind business, and the interactions that we have with their highly skilled team are always engaging and enjoyable. We are delighted to support their ambitions as the UK’s first 100% renewable utility.”

Our other published work with SPR includes The Power of Onshore Wind and Economic Impact of Onshore Wind.

Supplier of the year