Recharge ‘s Unsustainable returns: Orsted and industry groups slam Crown Estate over offshore wind Round 4 is a summary of the immediate industry reaction to the results on the Crown Estate’s round four auction results for the sea bed rights for offshore wind development.
It includes these insights from Bruce Valpy:
Pipelines are key in establishing a global market position, as they enable learning and cost reduction to be transferred from project to project.
BP and EnBW have both expressed intent to play on the global stage, which needs boldness, which is what we have seen here.
The outcome of The Crown Estate’s process, however, risks adding excessively to consumer bills, which we believe will need careful consideration.
Bruce also questioned how quickly transmission upgrades will be completed to enable some of the projects to be connected.
You can read he article behind Recharge’s paywall here: Unsustainable returns: Orsted and industry groups slam Crown Estate over offshore wind Round 4