Offshore wind

Market roadmaps and vision

Marine spatial planning

Skills and workforce education

Market and technology strategy

Supply chain strategy

Operations, maintenance and servicing strategy

Market intelligence

Jobs and local economic benefit

Cost of energy modelling

Bid drafting and review

Frederick Benjafield


Fred specializes in the economic and social aspects of offshore wind farm development. He delivers marine spatial planning using survey and remote sensing data, alongside in-house tools. This identifies economically viable and socially advantageous sites for offshore wind projects. His decade of experience in the Merchant Navy and private maritime industry gives him extensive maritime logistics expertise.

He has delivered economic impact assessments and supply chain plans for wind farm developers. Fred established a social value model for the Celtic Sea OSW region in the UK. Clients benefit from Fred’s deep industry knowledge and practical approach to problem-solving.

As a keen sailor and passionate diver, he offers a unique local stakeholder’s perspective on wind farm development. This allows him to ensure solutions balance innovation, sustainability, and community needs

To get in touch with Fred, send him an email