Mike Blanch
Associate Director
Mike Blanch’s expertise and experience can help you achieve your project’s goals.
If you’re looking to invest in renewable energy, his expertise can ensure that your due diligence reflects detailed, up-to-date and real world experience. This will reduce your risk and increase your confidence in decision-making.
Mike has helped design, evaluate and implement several government-backed business incubation schemes and innovation programmes. He has ensured that these programmes deliver value for money results for all key stakeholders.
He has almost three decades of experience including wind turbine technology, economic modelling, innovation programme support, company incubation and wind farm implementation.
Mike’s expertise covers technical, business and economic aspects of renewable energy. He has carried out engineering and economic modelling of wind and marine energy systems including combinations with other blue economy sectors. He can help you ensure that your technology is delivering the right results for power generation, business and local communities.
His technical skills are often used to determine component and device reliability across onshore wind, offshore wind and marine energy technologies.
He has overseen and conducted extensive practical research working first hand with wind turbine technology. He also managed the Energy Research Unit wind test site, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
Mike is a founding member and technical adviser to the board of the 6.5 MW Westmill co-operative wind farm. He chairs the Westmill Sustainable Energy Trust. His passion is to see a truly sustainable renewable energy industry that provides local benefit.
Before joining BVG Associates in 2009, Mike worked for other consultancies and in renewables research. He delivered noise and socio-economic aspects of EIAs, conducted feasibility assessments, undertook business development, testing of turbines and equipment, and published 16 papers.
Mike is a chartered engineer and Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers with Master of Philosophy and Master of Science degrees from Cranfield University.
To contact Mike please send him an email.